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about event name in "Mine with Follows visual Miner"
Hi, there
I use a "Mine with Follows visual Miner" in ProM.
When I convert a CSV file to a XES file with "Convert CSV to XES", I specify a charset to read Japanese character.
On ProM's Configure CSV parser Settings dialog, I can recognize the charcters as Japanese at that time.
The "Directly Follows visual Miner" reads it, a process figure is outputed correctly.
However, the event name written as japanese can't read as japanese character.
In a output making by "Mine with Follows visual Miner" , tell me how to display some event name as Japanese.
That sounds like a UTF-8 issue.Would you be able to share the event log with me on Leemans
Assistant Processor (Lecturer) at Queensland University of Technology
Author of the visual Miner and Inductive Miner
Howdy, Stranger!
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