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Data Confidentiality
I would like to know if the confidentiality of the data used in PROM is guaranteed? Could our data be used for another purpose?
Thank you in advance for your answer !
Hi,Basically, ProM is a plugin framework that can import data from files into main memory, can run plugins on data in main memory, and can export data from main memory to files. As far as I know, there are no plugins that send your data to some server to be processed. By using ProM, you're not sending us your data.If allowed by the user, ProM itself can send some information on plugin use to Google Analytics. If you run a plugin on your data, the fact that the plugin is run is then send to Google Analytics, your data is not send along with it. You can disallow ProM from sending information to Google Analytics by running the ProM Package Manager and making sure the Google Analytics setting is disabled (see the middle group of buttons in the bottom row of the Package Manager).Kind regards,Eric.
Thank you very much for your answer, it is now clear to me.
Howdy, Stranger!
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