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Fuzzy Miner Attenuation
I saw that in the Fuzzy Miner algorithm, the default value set in the "mine_fuzzy_model" plugin ( for the Attenuation factor is of NRootAttenuation type with parameters (echelon = 2.7, maxDist = 5). Is there any particular reason for this? (in particular for the echelon value)?
Many thanks in advance,
Best regards,
I saw that in the Fuzzy Miner algorithm, the default value set in the "mine_fuzzy_model" plugin ( for the Attenuation factor is of NRootAttenuation type with parameters (echelon = 2.7, maxDist = 5). Is there any particular reason for this? (in particular for the echelon value)?
Many thanks in advance,
Best regards,
Hi Celia,I guess these values worked best for some examples the developer (Christian Günther) tested when he developed the Fuzzy Miner. In his publications on the Fuzzy Miner, he only mentions that the attenuation reduces the importance of longer dependencies, the echelon value is not mentioned at all.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi Eric,
Indeed, I also couldn't find explanation as well in papers. Thank you again for the help!
Kind Regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
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