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Add plugin from Command Line
I read that to use a specific plugin, it is first required to run the Package Manager. Is there a way to do it from command line? (and how to do it in order to also "call" the new plugin?)
In general, I would like to add plugins directly from command line and was wondering what would be best way to do it (and if we are only restricted to plugins from CLI context).
Many thanks in advance for the help!
I read that to use a specific plugin, it is first required to run the Package Manager. Is there a way to do it from command line? (and how to do it in order to also "call" the new plugin?)
In general, I would like to add plugins directly from command line and was wondering what would be best way to do it (and if we are only restricted to plugins from CLI context).
Many thanks in advance for the help!
Hello Celia,You need to run the Package Manager to install the packages containing all plugins you need to use. When ProM starts for the first time, it will automatically run the Package Manager and install the packages containing the most often used plugins.You cannot run the Package Manager from the command line. As a result, you cannot add plugins from the command line.If you run ProM from the command line, it will use the CLI context instead of the UI context (UITopia). As a result, it will recognize only those plugins that are available in the CLI context, that is, plugins that either take a CLIPluginContext or a PluginContext as first argument (instead of a UIPluginContext).Kind regards,Eric.
Dear Eric,
Many thanks for the help and clear answer. Very much appreciated!
Kind Regards,
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