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BPMN simulation tool

in Event Logs
I need to generate event log for BPMN model simulation with sub process. I found a tool plg2 that can simulate BPMN model, but this tool can't handle BPMN with or gateway and sub process. I haven't found a suitable tool for a long time. Can you recommend some tool m that can generate event log for BPMN simulation? thank you.
I need to generate event log for BPMN model simulation with sub process. I found a tool plg2 that can simulate BPMN model, but this tool can't handle BPMN with or gateway and sub process. I haven't found a suitable tool for a long time. Can you recommend some tool m that can generate event log for BPMN simulation? thank you.
I found another simulation tool, Gena, but there was an error 'unknown gateway type' when processing with or gateway. Is it a problem with my drawing or can't Gena handle BPMN with or gateway?
Hi Ashley,As far as I understand one of the papers on Gena (see, Gena only allows for the exclusive (XOR) and parallel (AND) gateways. There were plans to extend this set of supported gateways, but this may have never happened.I have forwarded your first question to the person leading the development of BPMN-related plugins in ProM: Anna Kalenkova. As it seems, she also contributed to Gena. I hope she can help you better than I can on this.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi Eric,
Thank you for your reply.
Hi Ashley,
thank you for your interest in BPMN log generators!
Answering your questions:
1) In Gena, OR gateways are not supported, subprocesses are supported though.
2) In ProM there is a plugin "Translate BPMN to Petri net".This plugin can handle OR gateways but does not totally preserve their semantics.You can try to retrieve a Petri net and then use ProM techniques to simulate it.
Kind regards, Anna
akalenkova said:Hi Ashley,
thank you for your interest in BPMN log generators!
Answering your questions:
1) In Gena, OR gateways are not supported, subprocesses are supported though.
2) In ProM there is a plugin "Translate BPMN to Petri net".This plugin can handle OR gateways but does not totally preserve their semantics.You can try to retrieve a Petri net and then use ProM techniques to simulate it.
Kind regards, Anna
Hi Anna,Thank you for your reply.I also consider transforming BPMN model with OR-gataways into Petri net, but the event log generated by the transformed Petri net simulation can not be completely replaced. I am considering how to reduce the impact of model transformation.Thanks again.
Howdy, Stranger!
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