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How to perform Temporal Compliance Verification in Prom 6.9
I want to try out verification of timing constraints in a process based on the event logs.
I have start and end time for every activity.
I have start and end time for every activity.
I have gone through the paper
"Diagnostic Information for Compliance Checking of Temporal Compliance Requirements". I would like to know how can I use the temporal compliance plugin " Compliance " specified in the paper. I think a updated version of this package is available now.
Can I know the new plugins for temporal compliance verification and the steps to use it.
The details of format in which the input events should be specified in the csv files will help a lot.
The details of format in which the input events should be specified in the csv files will help a lot.
Can anyone help me with my queries.
Hi,I've forwarded your question to the first author of the paper, Elham Ramezani. However, she will be out of office until September 28, so it may take some time to get an answer.Kind regards,Eric.
I have not received any reply. Could anyone kindly help.
Hi,As far as I understand the paper, to use the plugin we need an event log, a Petri net and a data Petri net as inputs. The event log is the object we want to check compliance on, the Petri net models the control-flow compliance rules, and the data Petri net the temporal compliance rules.However, you mention a csv format for input events. Do you mean that you want to use a csv file to import the event log from?Kind regards,Eric.
Thanks for the reply sir.
Yes, we need the three inputs as specified by you. I wanted to know the details of the format in which time constraints are to be specifed when using the Plugin (and if the plugin has been updated? as the paper was published in 2013).
Regarding input file - we know that csv file can be converted to xes using a plugin.
What I would like to know is that "Can I have start and end time for each activity in the even log (which I have created in Excel and saved as CSV)."
If an activity has only one time (i.e it starts and ends at the same time) can I enter it so in the event log.
With the start and end time for each activity, I would like to do the following:
1) Check for duration of certain activities and check if they do not comply with the given duration. Whether they exceed a specified duration.
2) Can such results be exported and saved.
Thank You -
Hi,The typical way to do this is to have two events for one activity: A first event that denotes the start of the activity, and a second event that denotes the end of the activity. This is typically done by setting the value for the "lifecycle:transition" attribute to "start" for the first and to "complete" for the second. The "time:timestamp" attributes of both events then denote the start time and the end time of the activity.If the start and end time are the same, we typically omit the start event, and only use the end event.Kind regards,Eric.
Dear Sir
I was trying the ''Elicit Compliance Rule'' plugin.
I have imported the Artificial Patient log.
I selected ""Elicit Compliance Rule",
After selecting the activity "Blood Test", I go to the next step "'Select Compliance Rule'', (snapshot shown below:).
After selecting any of the option (Activity Blood test is allowed to occur),
ProM hangs here. Clicking on Cancel, Previous or Next has no effect.
Kindly let me know, if I am doing it in the right way.
Thank You. -
Dear Sir
Can I get a reply to the above problem
Thank You -
Hi,A reply, yes, but unfortunately I do not have an answer for you, as I am not familiar with this particular plugin. As mentioned, I've forwarded your question to the first author of the paper.Kind regards,Eric.
Thank you for the reply.
Hope the author will respond.
Howdy, Stranger!
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