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Black Transitions in Petri net Model
Hello everyone,
I have an event log and I have been trying to process discovery with this log in ProM 6.9. Firstly I used "Alpha Miner" but the process seems like below even if A placed before D and H placed before J activities in the event log. It did not show the connection between them.

Then I used "Mine Petri net with Inductive Miner" and it generated a more sensible process model below. But, at this time, it generated 3 transition elements which are not placed in event logs. When I look at the .pnml file generated to check the difference, there were 3 transitions that look like the transition below. They not filled with "#FFFFFF" color and their activity properties equal to "$invisible". Also, their name information was kind of "tau join", "tau split", etc.

Also, the BPMN format, which I converted in ProM, of the process above seems like below. In there, I believe that there must be a Parallel Gateway after activity A where I drew. Activity A must be connected to B, D, and E activities on this Gateway.

My questions are;
I have an event log and I have been trying to process discovery with this log in ProM 6.9. Firstly I used "Alpha Miner" but the process seems like below even if A placed before D and H placed before J activities in the event log. It did not show the connection between them.

Then I used "Mine Petri net with Inductive Miner" and it generated a more sensible process model below. But, at this time, it generated 3 transition elements which are not placed in event logs. When I look at the .pnml file generated to check the difference, there were 3 transitions that look like the transition below. They not filled with "#FFFFFF" color and their activity properties equal to "$invisible". Also, their name information was kind of "tau join", "tau split", etc.

Also, the BPMN format, which I converted in ProM, of the process above seems like below. In there, I believe that there must be a Parallel Gateway after activity A where I drew. Activity A must be connected to B, D, and E activities on this Gateway.

My questions are;
- What is the possible reason for the "Alpha Miner" to ignore the connection?
- What are these black transitions and Why do they generate?
- Must any Parallel Gateway be placed as I drew at last BPMN Diagram? It is about the implementation of the conversation algorithm I used or being more than 2 activities after activity A.
Dear Burakcan,
- The Alpha Miner only considers the directly follows relation. If A is never directly followed by D, then A and D will not be connected by a place.
- The black transition are so-called silent(or invisible) transitions. They are not related to any event in the log, but are needed for routing purposes (to model the parallelism between F and G and the fact hat this part can be skipped.
- No, but I do admit that it makes it clearer. By default, an activity in BPMN acts as an exclusive gateway on its inputs and as a parallel gateway on its outputs. As A has multiple outputs, it acts as a parallel gateway on them, and there is no real need to add an explicit parallel gateway. The parallel gateway before J is required, as it would otherwise be an exclusive gateway.
Eric. -
Hi Eric, thanks a lot for your response. I check my event logs right after read your response to check that whether A is directly followed by D. All 3 activities (B, D, and E) follow A directly so I can't figure it out.
On the other hand, I would like to ask something to make it clearer for me. The Parallel Gateway that I asked in question 3 can be added but, at the same time, it can not be added. It is not essential, right?
Best regards,
Burakcan -
Hi Burakcan,Is there also a trace where D is directly followed by A? Otherwise, feel free to send me the log (, so I can have a look.Yes, indeed, it is not essential. nevertheless, adding it makes it more clear as not everybody knows that implicitly every task is a XOR-join and an AND-split. In a similar way, I would also add a XOR-join before H.Cheers,Eric.
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