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inductive visual miner without animation on PromLite
Having the same issue as stated on discussion, but I can't solve it with the help provided, neither with the help in the referred discussion (
Working on Windows 7 (I know - ancient, but out of my control to change this); installed PromLite 1.2.
Please help?
Regards, Christa.
Having the same issue as stated on discussion, but I can't solve it with the help provided, neither with the help in the referred discussion (
Working on Windows 7 (I know - ancient, but out of my control to change this); installed PromLite 1.2.
Please help?
Regards, Christa.
Dear Christa,To get some more diagnostic information that we could act on, could you please do the following:
- Go to the folder where you have installed ProM Lite 1.2.
- Open the ProM.ini file using your favorite text editor.
- Make sure VERBOSE is set to ALL (should be on or around line 20). If not, please set to ALL and save the file.
- Run ProM Lite 1.2 using the ProMLite12.bat file, either by double-clicking it in the WIndows Explorer or starting it from a Command Prompt. Either way, you will have a Command Prompt running the ProMLite12.bat file.
- Try to run the Inductive Visual Miner as before.
Thew Command Prompt running the ProMLite12.bat now contains all the information that ProM can provide us, which includes error messages and the like. Could you share its contents with us? You can copy the contents to the clipboard using CTRL-A and then ENTER. You can also right-click the Command Prompt and use its menu.One possibility is that ProM is running out of memory, but to say for sure, we need this information.Many thanks in advance,Eric. -
Dear Eric,
Thanks for your swift response. Memory might be an issue here, unfortunately I have no control over it. My company has installed this for me, but is not willing to do any further support - and I have no admin rights on this computer. So I have limited options.
When starting the application, the following warning appears:
"Unable to set memory limit (-Xmx4G) in ProMLite12.I4j.ini and/or ProMLite12.bat file. Please run the Package Manager as administrator, or set the memory limit manually."
Have attached the .bat text as requested. Scanning this, it is referring to lpsolve again, but that is present (lpsolve-5.5.4). Although I can see the difference to my home-installed version is that the location of the .ProMLite12 folder is different - is it important that it is present in the same location as the ProM Lite 1.2 folder?
Regards, Christa. -
Dear Christa,Yes, it seems unable to load LpSolve. I assume that the lpsolve-5.5.4\lib folder contains a win64 folder, and not a win32 folder?It notice that you have installed ProM Lite 1.2 in the Program Files folder. Would it be possible for you to install it in a different folder, like a folder where you do have regular write access? The Program Files folder is typically protected by Windows and virus scanners, which typically do not allow to make changes in them. This explains why the memory amount cannot be changed.I typically prefer to have the packages folder (which is the only entry in the .ProMLite12 folder) to be located in the folder where I have installed ProM Lite 1.2. You can do this by setting PROM_USER_FOLDER to . (that is, a dot, like "PROM_USER_FOLDER = .") on or around line 37. The exact location of the folder may be relevant if Windows or the virus scanner are protecting the folder from changes.I'm not sure whether this will help, but I also do not know what else would help.Kind regards,Eric.
Thanks Eric for thinking along!
I have been trying to place the files in different locations, and also have copied (not installed, as I don't have admin rights!) all the PromLite files to a folder with write access. Program starts normally (and sure enough has no issues now with the setting of the memory!) but in the end the original problem remains - it can't find Lpsolve.
Also the setting for PROM_USER_FOLDER didn't change anything.
Guess the only thing that remains, is asking the admin to uninstall and reinstall on a folder with write access, but typically they take a loooong time to fulfill these requests....
Kind regards,
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