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How to generate new logs
One of they ways to acchieve this is via the Process log generator:
You can also use CPN Tools to create event logs
The third option would be to write custom Java code to convert the event sequences into an XLog object.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Update for myself and others:
What works is to create/load a Petri net, and then run the plug-in "perform a simple simulation of a (stochastic) Petri net" by A. Rogge-Solti. It works in the nightly build, but I'm not sure if this is also release in Prom 6.x, but it is not available in ProM lite.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
i have bpmn diagram with data, i need to generate event log for it, i use the gena but to produce data aware log, the tools asked me python file fo data obj! I do not know how to create it! is there any sample? -
Hi,Can you explain what you mean with "I use the gena"? Is this "gena" a ProM plugin? Seems unlikely if it asks for Python files, but one never knows.Kind regards,Eric.
hverbeek said:Hi,Can you explain what you mean with "I use the gena"? Is this "gena" a ProM plugin? Seems unlikely if it asks for Python files, but one never knows.Kind regards,Eric.
Dear hverbeek,
Thank you for your reply.
yes, I mean" Jena " the prom plugin! I separately downloaded the .jar file of it. but I have some problems.
first I want to import my "BPMN with data obj" diagram file to prom ( Jena ) but it did not work!
I do not why because it was .bpmn file format and it should have worked, unfortunately!
then, for practice and as an example, I tried to use the BPMN data model sample that existed in the Jena plugin.
when I chose the BPMN with data and time log generator button, it detected the data obj and asked me to upload data or event script in python!
and finally, is there any other way to generate a log for "BPMN with data object"!
I really need to know how to solve these problems.
thank your for your attention.
kind regards,
Shahzad. -
Dear Shahzad,I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with this "Jena" plugin. Where did you download this from?Kind regards,Eric.
hverbeek said:Dear Shahzad,I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with this "Jena" plugin. Where did you download this from?Kind regards,Eric.
Thank you for your follow up.
I found Gena at .
when I start to upload my BPMN diagram to Prom which has Gena tools, the plugin related to uploading Bpmn has appeared that if I don't make a mistake is written by you.
if this plugin works for "my BPMN with obj diagram" half part of my problem will be solved. would you please help me why my .bpmn file does not import to prom? ( I used the Bizagi and the Visual paradigm to draw my "BPMN with data and swim lane " model)i am looking to hear from you soon,
thank you for your time and attention
Best regards,
Dear Shahrzad,I can only tell this Gena tool comes with its own (old) version of the ProM framework, which cannot read the latest ProM package repository properly.I think you should contact the Gena people for this.It is not up to me to build a BPMN importer that reads your data along with the BPMN model. Sorry, but that would be more up to you. The BPMN importer I developend reads a BPMN model from a standard BPMN file. Any extensions need to be developed by the people that need these extensions.Kind regards,Eric.
hverbeek said:Dear Shahrzad,I can only tell this Gena tool comes with its own (old) version of the ProM framework, which cannot read the latest ProM package repository properly.I think you should contact the Gena people for this.It is not up to me to build a BPMN importer that reads your data along with the BPMN model. Sorry, but that would be more up to you. The BPMN importer I developend reads a BPMN model from a standard BPMN file. Any extensions need to be developed by the people that need these extensions.Kind regards,Eric.
thank you a lot for your time and reply. As I am new in process mining, I'm not familiar with the prom plugin tools such as the ones that you are written. I did not find a complete manual or instruction about how to work with each of these plugins and their features. Actually I have hoped to learn more about these plugins.
sorry if I bothered you.
kind regards,
Shahrzad -
Dear Shahrzad,Feel free to bother me, but I simply cannot give answers to every question :-).I was not involved in the Gena project, so I cannot really answer questions on it. And, as the developers decided to include a copy of the ProM framework (which is now outdated) in their tool, they should keep it up-to-date.Kind regards,Eric.
Dear Eric,
I know, Thankyou for your kind heart.
Kind regards,
Shahrzad -
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