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How can I create a petri net from a manually generated BPMN model saved in .XPDL v2.2 format?
Hi I have created some test
BPMN models using Enterprise Architect and saved them as .XPDL version 2.2
files. I have then imported them into ProM 6.6 and converted them into Petri
nets using the 2 plug-ins "Convert BPMN diagram to Petri net (control flow)"
and "BPMN to PetriNet”. As you can see there are various
problems with the petri nets generated from ProM (see Capture.png). Is anybody
aware of a plug-in, a combination of plug-ins or settings that would generate
the ideal petri net as shown in the diagram? I do not need to convert very
complex BPMN models the most complex will be a combination of swimlanes, basic
start and end events, basic activities, basic XOr, IOr and parallel gateways
and sequence flows. Any help would be much appreciated! 

The main issue seems to be the duplication of activities. This could be a setting in the conversion plug-in.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Thank you Joos for your reply, I shall check my settings.
Howdy, Stranger!
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