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Conformance checking
Hi,What do you mean with "adaptive heuristics miner"? Do you mean the "Interactive Data-aware Heuristics Miner"? If so, you should select "Petri net"as youroutput model, and then select the "Export model" button next to it. This copies the Petri net into your workspace. In the workspace, you can then select both the log and the Petri net, and select the "Replay a Log on Petri net for Conformance Analysis" plugin.For the initial marking, add the "source" place once. For the final markign, select the "sink" place once. To map transitions to event classes correctly, select the same classifier as you have used during discovery. The proposed mapping is usually correct, but please check and adjust where necessary. For the remainder, please accept the default configuration. In the end, the replay result will be shown to you.Kind regards,Eric.
Thanks a lot for your reply. i will definitely work on this response and give you feedback.
hello hverbeek, once again, thanks for your prompt response. I have followed your suggestion, and I have got some results. my current concern is that which of the metrics shown in the attached image corresponds to fitness, precision, behavioural appropriateness,
DMF and cost. how do I interpret these parameters? pls find attached my results. thanks
Hi,I think you need to read in on the subject. For that, the publications of Arya Adriansyah should do (, like, for example, his PhD thesis ( regards,Eric.
Howdy, Stranger!
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