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installation of RunnerUpPackages(download interrupted)

in ProM 6
I have a problem when installing ProM.
After downloading ProM6.9, I launch the Package Manager. When install the basic package RunnerUpPackages,it stopped after downloading a part. And I cannot exit the current interface by clicking the and can only close ProM manager forcibly.
I have tried many times, but it did not work. So I cannot install the RunnerUpPackages successfully.
Any help ? Thanks,
Hao Wu
I cannot exit the current interface by clicking the "Cancel" botton when the download is interrupted.
Hi,I guess you experience problems with your internet connection. A possibility would be to use a mirror to install the packages from. In your PorM.ini file, there is a line that sets the PACKAGE_URL. You can change this lin eto either one of the following:The first one uses the original repository in the Netherlands, the second a mirror in Australia. Could be that the internet connection to one of these options will work, please check.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi, Eric I just tried the solution you suggested, but after throwing it, the previous problem will occur. Is it possible for any other reason? Neither type of network connection can complete the download, and it will always stop after downloading some packages. Hao Wu
Hi, Eric I just tried the solution you suggested, but after throwing it, the previous problem will occur. Is it possible for any other reason? Neither type of network connection can complete the download, and it will always stop after downloading some packages. Hao Wu
Hi,The only solution I know is to install only a few (one?) packages at a time, and to save the packages.xml file in the folder where the packages are being installed often. But this will take effort and time. A procedure that might work is as follows:
- Install RunnerUpPackages, note down which packages are being installed.
- If step 1 stalls at some point, rerun the Package Manager but first only install the packages it could install earlier.
- Save a copy of the packages.xml file that is in the folder where you are installing the packages.
- Install RunnerUpPackages, again note down which packages are being installed.
- If step 4 stalls at some point, stop the Package Manager, restore the copy of the packages.xml file, run the Package Manager, and install the packages it could install earlier.
- If RunnerUpPackages is installed, you're done. Otherwise, go to step 3.
We cannot offer a single download that contains all packages pre-installed, as this would violate the licenses of the software that ProM depends on.Kind regards,Eric. -
Hi, Could you tell me the folder's name which save a copy of the packages.xml file? Or how to find the package.xml file. Hao Wu
Hi,That would be the folder named ".ProM69\packages" in your user folder.Kind regards,Eric
Hi,Eric If i uninstall it and install other version could be better? Hao Wu
Hi Hao Wu,You could download and install ProM 5.2. That is the latest version that does not have packages. Note, however, that it is over 10 years old by now, and that we do not actively support it any more.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi Eric, I have a question about the method you said before,which install only a few (one?) packages at a time. When should I save the copy of the packages.xml file? Before the ProM manager stalls? And save it during the manager downloading or after clicking the "cancel" botton? Hao Wu
Hi, Or could I download the pakages from the manager one by one?
Hi Hao Wu,You should save the packages.xml file if some packages were successfully installed. If you wait until it stalls, the file will most likley be useless to you.You can try to install packages one by one, but please be aware that some package may depend on other packages. If the package you want to install depends on other packages that have not been installed yet, it will install these packages first. If you select a package in the Package Manager, you can get the list of packages it depends on by selecting the "Show parents" button in the package info panel. If all these packages have already been installed, then installing this package requires only the download and installation of this package.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi,Eric Thank you for all of your help. I have already install the RunnerUpPackages successfully. HaoWu
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