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how find fitness and precision ?
There was no one who could answer my question ؟؟
Hi,I think this is because your question lacks precision :-).Typically, you would replay the event log on the discovered model using something like the "Replay a Log on Petri Net for Conformance Analysis". This will give you a fitness metric (an average trace fitness). Using the results of the replay together with the event log and the model, you can then get a precision metric.Your question lacks precision as there is not yet such a thing as the precision. Debate on what a good precision metric is, is still on-going. The log fitness as defined by Van der Aalst seems to be an accepted fitness metric, but is not necessarily identical to the average trace fitness.Depending on which fitness and precision metric you want to compute, you may need to use different plug-ins. And that is assuming such plug-ins exist in ProM, of course.Kind regards,Eric.
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