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Can some metrics be found in ProM 6?
Hey all,
I have the XES log, the mined petri net and the original petri net.
The mined petri net is outputted by exporterPNML.exportPetriNetToPNMLFile()
The XES log and the original petri net are obtained by plg-2.0.5
I want to calculate the Behavioral precision/recall, Structural precision/recall.
I can find the tools in ProM 5. However, it fails when I loaded the log and the petri nets in the framework of ProM 5. Part of code is given below.
I wonder whether these tools (for calculation of Br, Bp, Sr, Sp) can be found in ProM 6?
If not, can anybody give a solution?
Thanks in advance.
Si-Yuan Jing
----------------------------------part of code (in the framework of ProM 5)-----------------------------------
LogFile logFile= LogFile.getInstance((new File(args[2])).getAbsolutePath());
log = BufferedLogReader.createInstance(new DefaultLogFilter(DefaultLogFilter.INCLUDE), logFile);
I have the XES log, the mined petri net and the original petri net.
The mined petri net is outputted by exporterPNML.exportPetriNetToPNMLFile()
The XES log and the original petri net are obtained by plg-2.0.5
I want to calculate the Behavioral precision/recall, Structural precision/recall.
I can find the tools in ProM 5. However, it fails when I loaded the log and the petri nets in the framework of ProM 5. Part of code is given below.
I wonder whether these tools (for calculation of Br, Bp, Sr, Sp) can be found in ProM 6?
If not, can anybody give a solution?
Thanks in advance.
Si-Yuan Jing
----------------------------------part of code (in the framework of ProM 5)-----------------------------------
LogFile logFile= LogFile.getInstance((new File(args[2])).getAbsolutePath());
log = BufferedLogReader.createInstance(new DefaultLogFilter(DefaultLogFilter.INCLUDE), logFile);
PetriNetResult basePetriNet = (PetriNetResult) (new PnmlImport()).importFile(new FileInputStream(args[3]));
HeuristicsNet base = (new PetriNetToHeuristicNetConverter()).toHeuristicsNet(basePetriNet.getPetriNet());
PetriNetResult minedPetriNet = (PetriNetResult) (new PnmlImport()).importFile(new FileInputStream(args[4]));
HeuristicsNet mined = (new PetriNetToHeuristicNetConverter()).toHeuristicsNet(minedPetriNet.getPetriNet());
Hi Si-Yuan Jing,ProM 5 cannot only import MXML logs, and not XES logs. You can use ProM 6 to convert a XES log to an MXML log: Simply impoirt the XES log, and then export it to an MXML log file.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi Eric,
Thank you for your fast reply.
Yes, the XES log can be converted to a MXML log. However, the petri nets are also failed to be imported. Part of the mined petri net is listed below.
Si-Yuan Jing.
--------------------------part of the mined petri net-------------------------<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><pnml><net id="net1" type=""><name><text>population 0</text></name><page id="n0"><name><text/></name><place id="n1"><name><text>p Activity E+</text></name><toolspecific tool="ProM" version="6.4" localNodeID="8e0dc472-ebf5-4450-8cf6-62e084c9e5e7"/><graphics><position x="11.25" y="11.25"/><dimension x="12.5" y="12.5"/></graphics></place><place id="n2"><name><text>p Activity H+</text></name><toolspecific tool="ProM" version="6.4" localNodeID="2584c58b-0f58-4a06-bed5-4bf1eaa49bc1"/><graphics><position x="11.25" y="11.25"/><dimension x="12.5" y="12.5"/></graphics></place><place id="n3"><name><text>p Activity C+</text></name><toolspecific tool="ProM" version="6.4" localNodeID="5a02d109-fed3-406e-b57a-ed78bea4322a"/><graphics><position x="11.25" y="11.25"/><dimension x="12.5" y="12.5"/></graphics></place><place id="n4"><name><text>p Activity I+</text></name><toolspecific tool="ProM" version="6.4" localNodeID="d3a43cc6-e6f9-4572-8ecf-6277357e652c"/><graphics><position x="11.25" y="11.25"/><dimension x="12.5" y="12.5"/></graphics></place> -
Hi Si-Yuan Jing,You might just have to convert the Petri net using ProM6 as well. Please import the Petri net in ProM6 , and then use the "EPNML files" export plug-in to export it to a (slightly different) PNML file. Basically, this gets rid of the <page> tags in the PNML format (like, in your case, <page id="n0">).Kind regards,Eric.
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