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Created an Interface from ProM to R
Hello everyone,
In R there is a package called BupaR (Business Process Analytics in R) which has many functionality to analyze event log data. For process discovery it has a function called process_map. After using it on many logs I came to know that it creates an edge between any two activities even if it is found in only one trace. So I thought it was not realistic to use on big data as we can gain no insights from such a spaghetti model. Then I came across with the ProM tool which consisted of many discovery plugins of which Fuzzy miner was my favorite because of its adaptability and the simplicity it provides. So I thought that it would be great if we could create fuzzy miner model in R.
So as a part of my project I have created a fuzzy miner algorithm in R which uses an interface to ProM. I had studied the code of fuzzy miner that is part of ProM tool. After studying it in detail I came across with the CLI context of ProM. So I have written a java script that is executed by the CLI context of ProM that extracts the data which is mined by the fuzzy miner algorithm. After Importing this data into R I have created a Graph model. This is fully configurable by the users as we can provide many parameters and threshold levels to customize the simplicity of the process model. Here are some images of the process model that are created using fuzzy miner algorithm of the same event data in R :
Process Model capturing all the edges :
Simplified Process Model by customizing some parameters:
So after successful attempt of creating Fuzzy Miner in R I look forward to create more such functions in R useful in process analysis.
At last I am thankful to the ProM community who helped me to solve my issues and problems that I came across during my project and all the people who are into ProM development.
And Special thanks to Eric Verbeek for answering all of my doubts.
PS : The package is not yet released as we are contacting to the creator of BupaR package to include our package as a sub-package to BupaR. Within a few weeks we will release it as a package in CRAN.
Tirth Shah
In R there is a package called BupaR (Business Process Analytics in R) which has many functionality to analyze event log data. For process discovery it has a function called process_map. After using it on many logs I came to know that it creates an edge between any two activities even if it is found in only one trace. So I thought it was not realistic to use on big data as we can gain no insights from such a spaghetti model. Then I came across with the ProM tool which consisted of many discovery plugins of which Fuzzy miner was my favorite because of its adaptability and the simplicity it provides. So I thought that it would be great if we could create fuzzy miner model in R.
So as a part of my project I have created a fuzzy miner algorithm in R which uses an interface to ProM. I had studied the code of fuzzy miner that is part of ProM tool. After studying it in detail I came across with the CLI context of ProM. So I have written a java script that is executed by the CLI context of ProM that extracts the data which is mined by the fuzzy miner algorithm. After Importing this data into R I have created a Graph model. This is fully configurable by the users as we can provide many parameters and threshold levels to customize the simplicity of the process model. Here are some images of the process model that are created using fuzzy miner algorithm of the same event data in R :
Process Model capturing all the edges :

Simplified Process Model by customizing some parameters:

So after successful attempt of creating Fuzzy Miner in R I look forward to create more such functions in R useful in process analysis.
At last I am thankful to the ProM community who helped me to solve my issues and problems that I came across during my project and all the people who are into ProM development.
And Special thanks to Eric Verbeek for answering all of my doubts.
PS : The package is not yet released as we are contacting to the creator of BupaR package to include our package as a sub-package to BupaR. Within a few weeks we will release it as a package in CRAN.
Tirth Shah
Hi Tirth,
When will you release the package?
It will be very useful for my project and I will be very thankful if you release it sooner.
Best regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
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