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Conformance checking and initial marking
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to proceed with a conformance checking between a petri net from a mined model and my event log and I keep receiving a message about initial markings that I should add. Can someones please explain how i do that ?
Thank you
I'm trying to proceed with a conformance checking between a petri net from a mined model and my event log and I keep receiving a message about initial markings that I should add. Can someones please explain how i do that ?
Thank you
Hi,Which plugins (discovery, conformance, ...) are you trying to use?In general, if you have a Petri net 'net' with the marking 'initialMarking' as initial marking, then you need to create an InitialMarkingConnection in to make ProM aware of the relation between the net and the marking:
context.getProvidedObjectManager().createProvidedObject("Initial marking for " + net.getLabel(),
initialMarking, Marking.class, context);
context.addConnection(new InitialMarkingConnection(net, initialMarking));where 'context' is your current plugin context.Kind regards,Eric.
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