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Hello everyone,
Does anyone knows if there is any existance bibliography to support the usage of the ProM tools? I am having some difficulties on the usage of the software as it is my first experiment with it and I would certainly appreciate some support. There are lots of articles that use the software but there isn't much about the hands-on experience. Thanks Everyone
Does anyone knows if there is any existance bibliography to support the usage of the ProM tools? I am having some difficulties on the usage of the software as it is my first experiment with it and I would certainly appreciate some support. There are lots of articles that use the software but there isn't much about the hands-on experience. Thanks Everyone

Hi,Apart from the links you can fin don, and the information you can find on this forum, there is not much documentation.The usage may differ per plug-in, and as a result, per developer. Some developers like to create a visualization that drives the entire plug-in (or set of plugins).If you have questions on specific plug-in, you can post them here. It will help us if the question is as specific as possible. We will then route the question to the plug-in developer. This way, other members of the forum may also benefit from your question and our answer.Kind regards,Eric.
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