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Relevant Use of EventID column in the .csv file.
We have a query regarding the eventID column in the csv file available on the website.
What is the significance of the eventID column( which, as per our understanding, is a unique identifier for every record) in the data?
Removing the particular column from the analysis gives 132,748 rows with exactly same values, i.e. duplicate rows.
Kindly help us in understanding the usability of this column.
Thanks in advance.
We have a query regarding the eventID column in the csv file available on the website.
What is the significance of the eventID column( which, as per our understanding, is a unique identifier for every record) in the data?
Removing the particular column from the analysis gives 132,748 rows with exactly same values, i.e. duplicate rows.
Kindly help us in understanding the usability of this column.
Thanks in advance.
the event-ID is just an identifier for each row, as such, it is useful just for distinguishing different events, including those that have the same attributes.
Howdy, Stranger!
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