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Run ProM from source code in SVN
How I could run ProM from source code checkout from SVN?
I tried this tutorial here this step did not work:
"Eclipse automatically builds the class files, After building has completed, no problems should exist on the Eclipse 'Problems'-tab"Simply checkout the project does not make the eclipse compile de project. After checkout the project we have several compile problems like "AbstractConnection cannot be resolved to a type".
I have tried to run "ant" but get this error: build.xml:92: impossible to resolve dependencies: /var/lib/hudson/.ivy2/cache/${env.EXECUTOR_NUMBER}/resolved-prom-Workshop-latest.xml /var/lib/hudson/.ivy2/cache/${env.EXECUTOR_NUMBER}/resolved-prom-Workshop-latest.xml
I have tried also run the file ProM Package Manager (Workshop).launch like this tutorial:
but get another error:
Launch configuration ProM Package Manager (Workshop) references non-existing project Workshop.
What is a step that I need to run to make the ant/ivy script download the dependences that are missing the resolver the compilation problems ?
Hi,Do you have the IvyDE add-on installed in Eclipse?To resolve dependencies, ProM uses ivy. A way to support this in Eclipse is to install this IvyDE add-on. See for details.Kind regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
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