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Slightly off topic; How to create a desktop-entry to Prom in Gnome
I have installed ProM 6.8
and after executing the command ./ & in a terminal, the
application starts without problems.
This is how I tried to create a desktop-entry in Gnome 3 (on Fedora 28):
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Prom Exec=/home/bengbers/Programs/Prom/ Type=Application StartupNotify=true Terminal=false Categories=Development;Java;
After double-clicking this icon, nothing happens.
My question is how to create a working desktop entry to ProM or any one of the other executables?Ben
Hi Ben,My guess is that you need to set the current working directory to the directory where you have installed ProM 6.8. But how to do this in Gnome, I do not know. When starting, ProM needs to read the ProM.ini file, which it looks for in the current directory.Hope this helps a bit.Kind regards,
Eric. -
I added the linePath=/home/bengbers/Programs/PromIt works now!Thanks,Ben
Thanks for asking; will use it as well
Sander Leemans
Assistant Processor (Lecturer) at Queensland University of Technology
Author of the visual Miner and Inductive Miner
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