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How to convert Petri net to BPMN diagram?
Dear process mining community,
I'm a learner in process mining field, and I was wondering whether you have any idea why I get a different BPMN diagram with the same petri net as introduced in the website:
After generate the PTS (by the plug-in Mine Transition System) and Petri Net (by the plug-in Convert to Petri Net using Regions), as introduced by “ProM 6 exercises” part (, I tried to convert petri net to BPMN diagram (by the plug-in Convert Petri net to BPMN diagram), but the generated BPMN diagram is different from that as shown in page 7: . The other exercises also produced different BPMN diagrams. In your convience, could you please help me check it? How could I generate the exact BPMN diagram as shown in page 7: ?
Thanks in advance...
ps: The figures seem not be able to upload.
Best Regards,
Deng Zhao
Dear,Two different process models (like two BPMN diagrams) may express the same behavior. The "BPMN diagram as show in page 7" matches the event log perfectly, and so does the Petri net on that same page. However, the BPMN diagram you get is the one that is the result of converting the Petri net, which may look a bit different. Assuming that both XOR splits in the BPMN diagram are coordinated well, the behavior is however identical.If you really want to discover the BPMN diagram on page 7, you might be better of by discovering a Petri net first using the Inductive Miner. In contrast to the alpha miner, this miner can introduce so-called silent transitions, which will help in discovering the BPMN diagram you want. Note, however, that even then the result is not identical, as the (redundant) XOR join will not be present.Kind regards,
Eric. -
Thanks for your time with this matter, and thanks for your answer ! It helped me a lot !
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