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Convert CSV to XES - CLI
I'm trying to convert a CSV file into a XES file using the command line interface. For that I was trying to use the same plug-in that is available on the ProM GUI:

I'm aware that there is a script to invoke the CLI and convert the CSV file (, but I'm trying to do this conversion using only ProM's plug-ins. However, this particular plug-in does not show when I use the -l command to list all plug-ins available, neither does it work with my code.
System.out.println("Importing File");
Best Regards.
Hi,No, this plug-in is only available for the GUI context, because it needs to be configured properly by the user.In the CLI context, you might be able to use the parseCSV method from the CSVConversionCLI class.Kind regards,
Hello hverbeek,Thank you for the confirmation.Best Regards.
Howdy, Stranger!
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