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where the places are discovered in alpha miner
Hi everyone
I have downloaded alpha miner plugin from here. Now I want to change the way that the places are discovered. I need to know in which part (class) of this plugin the places are defined.
I would appreciate any advise on this issue.
I have downloaded alpha miner plugin from here. Now I want to change the way that the places are discovered. I need to know in which part (class) of this plugin the places are defined.
I would appreciate any advise on this issue.
For the definition of places, i guess you need to go to the definition of the Petri net.
Dear CongLiu
Thank you for your answer. By place discovery in alpha miner I mean steps 4, 5 and 6 in alpha algorithm (page 171 of process mining text book). In the alpha miner plugin, I can not see where these steps of alpha algorithm are implemented.
I sort of have got lost in the source code
Hi Mahnaz,
Please consult the "alphaExpansion(...)" function in org.processmining.alphaminer.algorithms.AlphaClassicMinerImpl which essentially combines these steps (4 and 5 if I am not mistaken), i.e. it is maximizing the pairs of sets (A,B).
Note that it uses a (if I am not mistaken multi-threaded) node expander which effectively implements the maximization step as described in the algorithm.
Dear Bas
Thank you. Your answer helped me a lot.
Howdy, Stranger!
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