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Message extaction
How can I retrieve the message from an event log or use the message content to retrieve the processes that are exchanging this message?
Hi moufida1,
Sorry, I cannot understand your question. Do you mean discovering a process model by "retrieve the processes"?Guangming Li
PhD student in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Yes i mean discovering a process model
You can download ProM (, in which you can find a lot of plugins to discover models from logs, such as Inductive Miner. It seems you are new to process mining. You can find more informaiton at Li
PhD student in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Moufida,
I assume you have an event log at hand that contains for every event an attribute named "message", and that you want to use this attribute for process discovery (instead of the usual "concept:name").
In ProM, there are basically three type of discovery plug-ins:- The first type will only work with the "concept:name" attribute. If you want to use such a plug-in, you have to rename all "message" attributes to "concept:name".
- The second type will work on any classifier. If you want to use such a plug-in, then you need to add a classifier for the "message" attribute to the event log. For this, you can use the "Add classifier based on Mapping of Activity Names" plug-in.
- The third type will work on any classifier or on any combinations of attributes. For such a plug-in, you do not need to change the log, but you need to configure the plug-in to use your "message" attribute. The Inductive Miner is of this type.
Thanks à lot sir Eric and kfgz087.
l mean by message: Electronic data interchange messages. i want to deal or analyse message interchanged with processus mining. i found articles about Edimine corrélation plugin but i can not load it and used it with Prom in eclipse ? -
Dear Moufida,
No, the Edimine plug-in is not supported anymore. If you want to analyze electronic data interchange, the interchanged should be stored in an event log. ProM cannot intercept such messages on-the-fly.
Kind regards,
OK sir; i will try to do it.
Thanks a lot
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