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Can c-net convert to process tree using Prom?
Hi Tang,
Unfortunately, this is not that trivial, although you might want to look at the JBPT library which is the best attempt at this as far as I know.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Joos,
Thank you again.And can I use heuristic miner generate a porcess tree ?
Tang -
No, only ETM and Inductive Miner produce process trees. Heuristsics miner produces c-nets and petri nets.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Joos,
So the only way that let heuristic miner produce a process tree is changing the code?My teacher said that it is easy cause the c-net contains more behaviors, but i still not know where to start...
Tang -
Dear Tang,
In general, it is not possible to convert a Petri net into a process tree. Such a conversion is only possible if the Petri net satisfies some structural properties. The fact that Petri nets allow for mote behavior is a problem, and does definitely does not make it easy. As far as I know, this also holds for c-nets: Using c-nets, one can express behaviors which one cannot express using process trees. How then would you be bale to convert an arbitrary c-net into a process tree? If you could do that, you show that process trees are as expressive as c-nets, which they are not.
You may want to check with your teacher whether you understood her correctly. A conversion from a process tree to a c-net would be easy, I guess.
Kind regards,
Hi Eric:
I agree with you opinion,cause petri net contains more behaviors than process tree.
So I try to use heuristic way produce process tree directly.
But Where to start?
Kind regards,
Tang -
Dear Tang,
By changing the output from the Heuristics Miner from c-nets to process trees, you need to change the entire Heuristics Miner. Basically, you would be developing a new mining algorithm this way.
Because process trees are more restricted then c-nets, you need to make different decisions while doing the mining. Some decision taken while mining may be fine for c-nets, but not-at-all fine for process trees. Also, the data you need to make these different decisions may be different.
We cannot really tell you where to start. We're here to answer specific questions on ProM and on its plug-ins. This is not a specific question anymore. I suggest you tell your teacher that is definitely not easy, and ask her for advice.
Kind regards,
Dear Eric:
Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
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