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Petri Net, Fuzzy model and Declare model
Hi There,
I am currently attending the online course through Coursera called Process Mining: Data Science in Action. I heard Dr. Aalst mentioned some differences between Petri Net and Fussy model such as simple and fast but not executable. I have two questions:
1: Is there a plugin that converts a Fuzzy model to Petri Net?
2: What are the characteristics of a Declare model with regard to Petri Net?
I am currently attending the online course through Coursera called Process Mining: Data Science in Action. I heard Dr. Aalst mentioned some differences between Petri Net and Fussy model such as simple and fast but not executable. I have two questions:
1: Is there a plugin that converts a Fuzzy model to Petri Net?
2: What are the characteristics of a Declare model with regard to Petri Net?
Hi Esam,
I can only give you a quick/high level answer:
1. No, because the Fuzzy model has no real 'semantics'. In a Petri net you need to clearly define whether two activities are in sequence, parallel, choice, etc. of each other. A Fuzzy model just 'hints' at the relation between two activities. (as an experiment just try to mine a Fuzzy model on an event log with 2 activities in choice, and another event log with two activities in parallel, i.e. L1 = {<A,B,D>, <A,C,D>} and L2= {<A,B,C,D> and <A,C,B,D>}. The Fuzzy models will be the same!
2. A Petri net describes the process as a whole, where you can see the Declare model as modelling only small parts of the process. Similarly, the Petri net shows what is possible/enabled, where in a Declare model everything is possible unless restricted. In case you want to know more, look up the papers on Declare by Maja Pesic and Wil van der Aalst.
Hope this helps!!!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Joos,
Thanks a lot for your details. I got it from question 1.
Regarding Declare, I have read many articles (Rovani 2015, Pesic 2006-2007, Aalst 2009 and Maggi 2011-2013). I am sorry what I meant by my question is that "is Declare executable like Petri Net or not? Does it have real semantics?".
Esam -
Declare is indeed executable as it has clear semantics. Look for instance at the PhD thesis of Maja Pesic, she even implemented a workflow tool based on Declare models.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
The following link works:
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Thanks, buddy.
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