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Alpha Process mining Plugin
Hello all,
I am a Master Thesis student working on Process mining. I am trying to built a service based on alphaminer algorithm. I checkedout ProM packages for alpha miner but i am trying to built it without using ProM framework as a separate service.
Any guidance would be very helpful.
I am a Master Thesis student working on Process mining. I am trying to built a service based on alphaminer algorithm. I checkedout ProM packages for alpha miner but i am trying to built it without using ProM framework as a separate service.
Any guidance would be very helpful.
Dear Prasad,
Your main problem here is that you need to instantiate your own plug-in context for the plug-in to run. Furthermore, this plug-in context should allow the Alpha Miner to find any plug-in it needs to do its work. When using ProM, this is all taken care of, but when not using ProM, you need to do this yourself.
For some example code, you could have a look at the DivideAndConquerTest package, which can be checked out from This package contains three boot classes with corresponding global contexts. The boot class (and especially the call to Boot.boot in that class) is needed to add all available plug-ins to the global context (which allows a plug-in to find other plug-ins), and from the global context you can then create a plug-in context by calling the getMainPluginContext method.
Kind regards,
Thanks a lot Eric ! I will work on it accordingly
Hello all,
I am able to implement the alpha algorithm and i have worflownet as output. The issue now is i need to visualize the workflownet data. I am running short of ideas to visualize the data.
Any guidance would be very helpful.
Prasad -
If you can produce a Petri net then ProM will visualize this for you.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Thankyou for reply.
Currently, i have the output data from alpha algorithm which gives me all the events and transitions, places based on my input XES file and i want to visualize that data to build Petri net.
Not sure what you actually want but probably you just need to write another plug-in that takes your object and visualizes it (i.e. produces a JPanel). See the ProM developer docs for more details (or the Workshop demo package).
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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