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Trace Cluster
Hi Yahui, I have forwarded your question to my colleague who is familiar with trace clustering.
Hi Yahui,
Have you had a look around this forum? There's many topics involving trace clustering.
Some examples (not an exhaustive list):-
<a href="http//" title="Link: http//">http//</a>
The two plug-ins that come to my mind are my plugin (TraceClustering package) and the Guide Tree Miner plug-in by J.C. Bose.
Bart Hompes - Eindhoven University of Technology -
thank Bart!
bhompes said:Hi Yahui,
Have you had a look around this forum? There's many topics involving trace clustering.
Some examples (not an exhaustive list):-
<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http//</a>
The two plug-ins that come to my mind are my plugin (TraceClustering package) and the Guide Tree Miner plug-in by J.C. Bose.
Thank you for you answer!
And I have tried some cluster plugins on prom already.But the results are not what I want. Such as "cluster traces over time using Markov clustering".I input event log,the output as follow:
I want to get several sub eventlog which can saved in my computer.
How can I do to get them use prom?
And if I chose the cluster dimensions "trace attr:age1",does it means that has the eventlogs which have same value of this dimension can be"cluster"in one"circle"?
Also what the means of "expansion parameter"and "inflation parameter"?
Sorry if my qusetion is too basic...
Thank you in advance.
Tang Yahui
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