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Alpha Algorithm
Dear friends,
I like tobe familiar with alpha algorithm, and exacly with the version of it that is implemented in Prom6.I read it in "Workflow Mining:
Discovering process models from event logs" ,I want tobe sure that alpha algorithm in prom6 is exactly same with the algorithm that explained in this paper.
Update Joos: moved to correct category and removed 'announcement' status
Dear Mousavi,
I have forwarded your question to mr. van Dongen who implemented the algorithm. He might be able to answer your question.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Mousavi,
In short, no, the algorithm is not exactly the same. Instead, it deals with loops of length 1 and 2 in a specific way, while the algorithm in the paper you mention would just fail. Other than that, it is the same. If your log does not contain patterns like "a,a" or "a,b,a", then the algorithm is the same as the one in the paper.
Dear Friends,
thanks alot
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