HM, Heuristics nets to Petri nets and Conformance Checker
Dear An Le,
I forwarded your question to the developer of the Heuristics miner.
He should reply soon.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
thank you so much Joos Buijs. I'm waiting for the answer. This knowledge is really important to me.
Dear An Le,
The invisible tasks in the converted Petri Net result typically from complex input/output patterns. For instance, let's assume that the outputs of A are ( A or (B and C) ). Since there is a length-one loop (A -> A), one invisible task is needed to connect the output and input places of A. In order to handle the (B and C) case, another invisible task is created (connecting the output place of A and both input places of B and C). The point is that the direct conversion from HeuristicsNet to PetriNet is not always possible without invisible tasks. Besides this, some redundant invisible tasks (with no influence) may appear due to implementation issues. If needed, these invisible tasks may be removed using other ProM plugin.
Details about the Heuristics Miner's thresholds can be found in:
Concerning your last question, you may use the fitness measurement in the Heuristics Miner. Using the Conformance Checker is also a valid option but you need to be sure that both models are equivalent. As far as I know, there are some exceptional cases in which the converter does not perform well (for some odd patterns). So, some validation is needed when you are converting Heuristics Net into Petri Net.
Dear All,
How can I use Heuristic Miner (or other ProM tool) for visualize parallel events (e.g. A and B which start and stop in the same time) to get a structure where B are presented not after A (connected by an arrow), but next of place A?
How can we replace A->B->C structure to:
| |
structure if if A and B were in the same time?
Howdy, Stranger!
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