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Inductive visual Miner: bug in performance times display
Inductive visual Miner contained a bug in the computation of sojourn, service, waiting and queueing times.
This bug causes IvM to show these measures too large in some cases.
More specifically, the days are shown wrongly; the hours, minutes, seconds and miliseconds are correct.
ProM 6.5.1a is affected and the bug will be fixed in the next ProM release.
ProM lite was affected, but will update itself (please accept to update packages).
If you need the days in these performance measures, please use ProM lite.
This bug causes IvM to show these measures too large in some cases.
More specifically, the days are shown wrongly; the hours, minutes, seconds and miliseconds are correct.
ProM 6.5.1a is affected and the bug will be fixed in the next ProM release.
ProM lite was affected, but will update itself (please accept to update packages).
If you need the days in these performance measures, please use ProM lite.
Sander Leemans
Assistant Processor (Lecturer) at Queensland University of Technology
Author of the visual Miner and Inductive Miner
Assistant Processor (Lecturer) at Queensland University of Technology
Author of the visual Miner and Inductive Miner
As a confirmation: from ProM 6.6, this bug is fixed.
Sander Leemans
Assistant Processor (Lecturer) at Queensland University of Technology
Author of the visual Miner and Inductive Miner
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