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Build Path Problem
I tried to start couple of days ago with developing a simple plugin according to the tutorial at ( to become a ProM developer.pdf?format=raw). As far as I learned this is the tutorial for developing plugins for ProM6. While checking out the plugin trunk I realized that just pretty few files are downloaded, around 16 MB. I don't think this is correct since a running ProM needs more space. Right after checking out eclipse complains about several Build Path errors (for log see appendix). Ignoring the Build Path errors leads to an "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/processmining/contexts/gui/GUI". Seem so that eclipse is missing some libraries which are out of date (new ones are used) or are discarded (mydoggy is deleted as far as i know). I do not know how to deal with this problem.
I am pretty at the beginning of developing with ProM so I hope I do not oversee anything obvious. My configuration is Windows 7 x64 with eclipse Helios SR1 (tried the same as well with Hanymed) and Java 1.6.0_23.
Thanks for your help!
Best Regards
Appendix Error Log:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Project 'ProM' is missing required library: 'lib/jcommon-1.0.14.jar' ProM Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'ProM' is missing required library: 'lib/jfreechart-1.0.11.jar' ProM Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'ProM' is missing required library: 'lib/jgraphlayout.jar' ProM Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'ProM' is missing required library: 'lib/jgrapht-jdk-1.5.jar' ProM Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'ProM' is missing required library: 'lib/mydoggy-api-1.4.1.jar' ProM Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'ProM' is missing required library: 'lib/mydoggy-plaf-1.4.1.jar' ProM Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'ProM' is missing required library: 'lib/mydoggy-res-1.4.1.jar' ProM Build path Build Path Problem
I am pretty at the beginning of developing with ProM so I hope I do not oversee anything obvious. My configuration is Windows 7 x64 with eclipse Helios SR1 (tried the same as well with Hanymed) and Java 1.6.0_23.
Thanks for your help!
Best Regards
Appendix Error Log:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Project 'ProM' is missing required library: 'lib/jcommon-1.0.14.jar' ProM Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'ProM' is missing required library: 'lib/jfreechart-1.0.11.jar' ProM Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'ProM' is missing required library: 'lib/jgraphlayout.jar' ProM Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'ProM' is missing required library: 'lib/jgrapht-jdk-1.5.jar' ProM Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'ProM' is missing required library: 'lib/mydoggy-api-1.4.1.jar' ProM Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'ProM' is missing required library: 'lib/mydoggy-plaf-1.4.1.jar' ProM Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'ProM' is missing required library: 'lib/mydoggy-res-1.4.1.jar' ProM Build path Build Path Problem
Dear Lubken,
Please note that the ProM wiki, trac and SVN repository have moved.
Please try to check out ProM again from this repository by following the tutorials on the new wiki/trac.
Let us know if this solves your problem.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
To give some hints to newbies and how i solved couple of error messages:
- Eclipse complained about a not existing "macros" folder. After I have created the "macros" folder under the "lib/" path eclipse does not complain anymore. Deleting the macros folder or replacing the entry from the classpath did not work for me.
- Eclipse complained about that it could not reserve the required heap space (memory) at my 4 GB Win7 x64 System. I reduced memory to 1GB which seem to be enough for ProM. He asked before for 2 GB which were available but I think not "in one piece".
- The system did not continue after reading the "C:\Users\Lukas\.Prom\packages\packages.xml" without any error and with continous CPU load. I had a installation of ProM6 before running which seemed to interfere with the development version. I backuped the .ProM folder and the development version created this folder new while after this everything worked fine.
If there is something wrong or not recommended from a professional point of view please edit.
Dear Lukas,
Thank you very much for your hints, I'm sure they will be useful for us and for new users.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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