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Meaning of O_Create Offer and O_Created
What is the meaning of the activities O_Create Offer and O_Created and the difference between them? That hasn't been addressed in other threads so far.
Does it have anything to do with multiple offers being created for a specific application?
Does it have anything to do with multiple offers being created for a specific application?
I'm not sure what you mean by O_Create Offer. The only offerstate I know is O_Created.
I agree with Frank.
Actually in the file "BPI Challenge 2017 - Offer log.xes.gz" exists the field "O_Create Offer" and also "O_Created". This can be verified in ProM using aplha miner plugin.In fact the existence of this file is confusing by taking focus from the larger fileIt was said that all the data in the smaller file named "BPI Challenge 2017 - Offer log.xes.gz" is contained in the largest "BPI Challenge 2017.xes.gz", but I can not get the same number of rows when I create two tables and make a query.
Could you check please? -
@rosangelamariah I get 193'849 rows both for the offer log and for the Application log filtered for EventOrigin="Offer". The two different event names indeed exist. Perhaps the separate events don't mean much, they seem to happen at the same moment.
Thanks Frank.
I saw this using a filter for EventOrigin="Offer" in ProM lite.but when i imported the file to ProM and exported it to csv file the field EventOrigin retorned 296741 lines instead of 193849.
Is there any problem in Export file for .csv in ProM lite? -
Yes, there is (
The CSV-export from ProM-Lite seems to be unreliable, even after filtering out the W_-activities. When I tried, it still messed-up some of the attributes. Safer to export a CSV from a different Process Mining tool. -
Hi All,
I find an easy way to build a CSV file. Just import it in Celonis and export it in a CSV format.
I checked the exported file and it just needs some simple preprocessing.
Good Luck!
I will try in Celonis. -
Does anybody exported .csv file using celonis?
I am trying to export to .csv, but only the ".png" option are available.
I used the option "Olap table" and then stop the edit. what am I doing wrong?
what am I doing wrong?
Strange. I pressed the + sign at the button, then chose "New App", then created an OLAP-table. There you have to chose the attributes to be included. Right-clicking on the table showed the "CSV"-option:
However, I don't find it too intuitive... -
Thanks Frank,It's very strange, I did the same thing. I'm using windows 10 and tried execute it in browse IE, e Firefox.something looks "broken" in my celonis.i'm trying to solve it with celonis support.
Regarding your question about the export: Just add a new analysis, add a new component, then choose OLAP table. In the OLAP table you can add the dimensions you like to export and also filter your data. Afterwards you can close the edit mode and afterward click on the OLAP table to export it as .csv file.
Maybe if you use standalone version the problem will be solved.
Hi, fanisani,
Celonis only provided access Enterprise to me.
The single user, does not release the license. -
Back to the previous point, it appears to me that O_Create Offer is the event which triggers the offer status of O_Created?
This seems right to me too.O_Create Offer its always followed by "action=create".and O_create its always followed by "action=statechange"Is it right?
@rosangelamariah if you still need it, to be able to export as csv on Celonis, you need first to check "Allow excel and csdv export..." on the Analysis settings menu
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