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How to call a ProM plugin without using its GUI
I want to call CSV to XES plugin and then load its output to Alpha Miner plugin which will give some output. As a user, I should be able to upload a CSV file and in return I should be able to see Alpha Miner output. Please help me through this and let me know the steps I should follow to achieve this.I look forward to hear from you. Thank you.
If I understand you question correctly, you can have a look at RapidProM It supports executing multiple process mining algorithms in a predefined chain.
Thanks CongLiu, I am trying to develop a JAVA application that could import a CSV and call ProM plugins to generate output. As per my understanding, I can call ProM plugins using CLI. Can you suggest something that will help me achieve my goal? I look forward to hear from you. Thanks.
I think the simplest way to do so is to implement a new ProM plug-in by combining existing (1) CSVtoXES plug-in; and (2) an existing miner, e.g., Alpha miner. The new plug-in takes a CSV file as input and returns a process model as output.
To do so, you need to have a look at how to create plugins in ProM. see
Good luck.
Thanks Cong
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