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Difference between two datasets
We have two datasets:
1- Application event log
2- Offer event log.
When I look at the application event log, I think I can see offer event log there, too. (I mean Offer event log is a subset of Application event log). Is it right? Why do we have two datasets, if it is right?
We have two datasets:
1- Application event log
2- Offer event log.
When I look at the application event log, I think I can see offer event log there, too. (I mean Offer event log is a subset of Application event log). Is it right? Why do we have two datasets, if it is right?
Any answer?
please wait, i will talk to my colleague soon.
Sorry, he is out of office these days..
Dear Hadi,
From the description of the 'offer' data set:
All of the events in this log are also in the BPI Challenge 2017 event log. This subset is provided for convenience and the IDs are persistent between the two datasets.
I assume this answers your question.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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