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Strange chars inserted in the .XES
Hi all, when I generate a XES file from a csv using XESame, the output I get is OK but this entry:
<classifier name="Activity classifier" keys="'concept:name lifecycle:transition'"/>
Note the strange chars ' inserted in the beginning and the end of the keys of the classifier.
If I load the XES in PRoM it doesn't find a classifier.
If I, manually, remove the &apos chars and and then get
<classifier name="Activity classifier" keys="concept:name lifecycle:transition"/>
I load the XES file in ProM and it is OK.
Any hint about from these chars come?
<classifier name="Activity classifier" keys="'concept:name lifecycle:transition'"/>
Note the strange chars ' inserted in the beginning and the end of the keys of the classifier.
If I load the XES in PRoM it doesn't find a classifier.
If I, manually, remove the &apos chars and and then get
<classifier name="Activity classifier" keys="concept:name lifecycle:transition"/>
I load the XES file in ProM and it is OK.
Any hint about from these chars come?
Dear Luis,
could you check if in XESame, in the Log properties tab, the "-symbols are present in the definition? Could you try removing them there?
Or maybe remove and re-add the classifier all together.
This does not seem to be a bug in XESame, but an issue in the classifier definition in your case.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Joos, thanks for your answer.
No, the strange symbols are not present anywhere and I've regenerated the mapping from zero some times. But don't worry, my workaround removing the symbols directly in the XES file is OK.
I suspect it is something related to windows char formats/maps (my PC is in Spanish)
Regards -
Dear Luis,
Thanks for your reply.
I'll note it for myself to check when I'm working on/with XESame, since it might be a bug.
Thanks for reporting this!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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