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.log import
Hello.I need your help
I have a log file .log with such content: Mar 23 10:34:34 luara user:err|error IIB[46006308]: IBM Integration Bus v9004 (M99.FMB.EL1_BRK.esb_log_oracle) [Thread 4628] (Msg 1/1) BIP2607E: Unable to rollback a WebSphere MQ transaction; MQBACK failed; queue manager='M99.FMB.EL1', MQCC=2, MQRC=2009; message flow node 'ComIbmMQConnectionManager'.
Mar 23 10:34:34-data event,
IIB[46006308]- the number of execution groups on AIX process,
M99.FMB.EL1_BRK- broker name to which this group belongs execution,
esb_log_oracle - execution group name,
[Thread 4628] - thread'a number that tells about this event,
(Msg 1/1)- number of messages for describing this event,
BIP2604E - event code
I have a log file .log with such content: Mar 23 10:34:34 luara user:err|error IIB[46006308]: IBM Integration Bus v9004 (M99.FMB.EL1_BRK.esb_log_oracle) [Thread 4628] (Msg 1/1) BIP2607E: Unable to rollback a WebSphere MQ transaction; MQBACK failed; queue manager='M99.FMB.EL1', MQCC=2, MQRC=2009; message flow node 'ComIbmMQConnectionManager'.
Mar 23 10:34:34-data event,
IIB[46006308]- the number of execution groups on AIX process,
M99.FMB.EL1_BRK- broker name to which this group belongs execution,
esb_log_oracle - execution group name,
[Thread 4628] - thread'a number that tells about this event,
(Msg 1/1)- number of messages for describing this event,
BIP2604E - event code
Well, first you need to be able to parse your data in a structured way, for instance by opening the file in Excel and creating columns.
Then you could save it as CSV and then import it in ProM.
Alternative you could write your own parser to produce the XES XML structure required.
Key is that you know how to interpret your data, and where the trace ID, event timestamp and event activity information is.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
For example it "Mar;23;10:34:34;luara;user:err|error;IIB[46006308]:;IBM Integration Bus v9004;(M99.FMB.EL1_BRK.esb_log_oracle);[Thread 4628];(Msg 1/1);BIP2607E:;Unable to rollback a WebSphere MQ transaction; MQBACK failed; queue manager='M99.FMB.EL1', MQCC=2, MQRC=2009; message flow node 'ComIbmMQConnectionManager'.?"?
Or should I allocate ; only with the help of which the associated file.
This could work, and the CSV importer can recognise the columns and can import it.
The only issue I see is with the date columns ('Mar;23;10:34:34') which does not read as a full date in one of the standard formats. If you could change this that will help you analysis results.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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