To prevent spam users, you can only post on this forum after registration, which is by invitation. If you want to post on the forum, please send me a mail (h DOT m DOT w DOT verbeek AT tue DOT nl) and I'll send you an invitation in return for an account.
Apply for a free license for process mining tool Minit v.2
GRADIENT ECM is providing free Minit licenses for participants of the Business Processing Intelligence Challenge 2016. Minit is an innovative software for automated discovery, analysis, auditing and optimization of business processes. Special licenses of the process mining tool include new functionality from version 2. To get expert answers to questions regarding the use of Minit please visit the BPI Challenge 2016 Forum. Licenses are valid until 1st August 2016.
To apply for a free license please send an email to
Any comments on Minit can be post here. The thread is monitored by Gradient for feedback.
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