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sequence clustering
is the sequence clustering implemented in Prom 6?
I see there is a plugin called "trace clusters over time using Markov chain" but when I run it the results are totally different. I could not see clusters in the output. Actually I could not understand the results..
Also, if it is not implemented, is there another tool that I can use for sequence clustering in Prom 6? Can I use trace clustering (i.e guide tree miner) and select the "sequence feature"?
Best regards
is the sequence clustering implemented in Prom 6?
I see there is a plugin called "trace clusters over time using Markov chain" but when I run it the results are totally different. I could not see clusters in the output. Actually I could not understand the results..
Also, if it is not implemented, is there another tool that I can use for sequence clustering in Prom 6? Can I use trace clustering (i.e guide tree miner) and select the "sequence feature"?
Best regards
Same problem here, I cannot find it in the package manager...
PS: You can find some explanation of the trace clusters technique in a paper called "Discovering deviating cases and process variants using reace clustering".
There is a similar feature available. When visualizing an event log, you can choose the 'Explore event log (Trace variants/searchable)' visualizer that shows you the most frequent variants. Although this is filtering, not clustering, this might be handy.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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