To prevent spam users, you can only post on this forum after registration, which is by invitation. If you want to post on the forum, please send me a mail (h DOT m DOT w DOT verbeek AT tue DOT nl) and I'll send you an invitation in return for an account.
Data files
There are five different data files available. The entire collection is available from 10.4121/uuid:360795c8-1dd6-4a5b-a443-185001076eab. Please use this DOI in any reference to the collection as a whole. This collection consists of five different files:
- Click-data for the customers that are not logged in to the website (1.09 GB in CSV format / 157 MB zipped) 10.4121/uuid:9b99a146-51b5-48df-aa70-288a76c82ec4. Please use this DOI in any reference to the dataset.
- Click-data for the customers that are logged in to the website (1.06 GB in CSV format / 147 MB zipped) 10.4121/uuid:01345ac4-7d1d-426e-92b8-24933a079412. Please use this DOI in any reference to the dataset.
- Questions asked by customers (30.7 MB in CSV format) 10.4121/uuid:2b02709f-9a84-4538-a76a-eb002eacf8d1. Please use this DOI in any reference to the dataset.
- Messages sent by customers (17.8 MB in CSV format) 10.4121/uuid:c3f3ba2d-e81e-4274-87c7-882fa1dbab0d. Please use this DOI in any reference to the dataset.
- Complaints filed by customers (57 kB in CSV format) 10.4121/uuid:e30ba0c8-0039-4835-a493-6e3aa2301d3f. Please use this DOI in any reference to the dataset.
Please note that the Werkmap Messages csv ( has been updated today (19 May 2016) because the file had a technical issue. The contents of the file has not been changed. You are advised to use the current version.
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