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Plug-in outpu result
Hi everybody,
I'm currently working on a plug-in and, despite this question has already been asked, no clear answer has been given so far. Let's say I want my plugin to output the result as a JTable, or as a Graph, or as a BPMN diagram. How should I do to tell my plugin that I want these to be the outputs and to display them ?
I'm currently working on a plug-in and, despite this question has already been asked, no clear answer has been given so far. Let's say I want my plugin to output the result as a JTable, or as a Graph, or as a BPMN diagram. How should I do to tell my plugin that I want these to be the outputs and to display them ?
Benjamin Dalmas
PhD Student - Blaise Pascal University - Clermont-Ferrand
PhD Student - Blaise Pascal University - Clermont-Ferrand
Hi Bendalmas,
See the hello world tutorials:
These should explain how you can specify the input and output types.
Note that a plug-in can not dynamically decide which output type it will produce. So in you example you would need to create 1 plug-in for the JTable, one for BPMN, etc. Similarly to functions in Java.
Hope this helps.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Joos,
Thanks, I actually based my development on this example. However, it only show how to output basic type such as String. Even if I mark my output labels as bpmn or a JTable, nothing appears when the plug-in ends.
For example in the ETM, a lot of thing are shown in the final frame when the process tree appears.Benjamin Dalmas
PhD Student - Blaise Pascal University - Clermont-Ferrand -
Dear Benjamin,
Do you see the object produced in the ProM workspace?
If the object is not 'produced' in the workspace (e.g. leftmost tab) then there might be something with your code.
If the object is there, then it is likely that there is no 'visualizer' for it, to show the object contents to the user. E.g. for the ETM I had to create a Process Tree visualizer to show the process tree object produced by the ETM. Similarly for the Pareto front, etc.
Hope this helps.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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