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activity diagrams and ProM
I have an activity diagram ( and a set of event logs, and would like to do some form of conformance checking ("(How) do the event logs fit the activity diagram?").
How can ProM help with this?
Any suggestions on how to proceed with ProM or look elsewhere (e.g. UML tooling) are welcome.
How can ProM help with this?
Any suggestions on how to proceed with ProM or look elsewhere (e.g. UML tooling) are welcome.
Dear Dennis,
Thank you for your question (and welcome to the forum).
Conformance checking (e.g. alignments calculation) is mainly done on Petri net process models. I'm not sure if there are packages in ProM that can import an activity diagram in ProM. A second step would be to translate the activity diagram to a Petri net.
I did a quick check and could not find a ProM package that does this, but there might be some hidden somewhere
If the diagram is not too big, maybe the quickest and most pragmatic option would be to manually translate it to a Petri net.
I hope this helps!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Thanks, Joos.
I have meanwhile stumbled upon, "a tool to translate UML2 Activity Diagrams to Petri nets".
It's not clear to me whether the Nets that UML2oWFN outputs can be easily fed into ProM.
Dear Dennis,
I expect so, given that the names involved in both ProM and the website you mention have some overlap
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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