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How to import exercise1.txt of the ProM tutorial
Hi, I am new to the ProM world. I have come across to the example log files used in ProM 6 exercises tutorial.
Would anyone please tell me how can I import/convert the exercise1.txt into ProM as an .xes file ?
This is how the exercise1.txt looks like:
I actually have a similar real-life log file which I need to import into ProM.
Any pointer will be appreciated. Thank you.
Would anyone please tell me how can I import/convert the exercise1.txt into ProM as an .xes file ?
This is how the exercise1.txt looks like:
1x Case1 A B C D 1x Case2 A C B D 1x Case3 A E DIs there any plug-in to do the conversion job? Or, do I need to map the values somehow ?
I actually have a similar real-life log file which I need to import into ProM.
Any pointer will be appreciated. Thank you.
Dear Mozaher,
You are referring to exercise1.txt, which displays the content of the event log in a 'human readable' way, to give you an idea of the contents.
Please use exercise1.xes to load the event log into ProM and analyse the event log there.
Hope this helps!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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