Prom 6.5: Convert csv in xes - how to include org:resource? not possible?
Thanks for the new plugin.
I don't succeed in considering a column as a "org:resource" (for social mining purposes). I am not able to change the "event attribute". How can I do this?
I have check the "Importing csv files" guidelines (Jun 30, 2015) but haven't found it. Could you help me please?
Many thanks!
Dennis Houthoofd
Dear Dennis,
I'm working on the new CSV importer. It is still requires quite some development and polishing.
Unfortunately, for the ProM 6.5 release, we did not manage to enabled renaming of the columns. The row "XES Extension" is not yet fully functional as well. It only adds the extension, but does not check consistency between the extension and the attribute name.
As a workaround (until the next release) you could simply change the header directly in the CSV file. So just rename "Locatie" to "org:resource" in the CSV.
Felix -
Dear Felix,
It works! Thanks!
Looking forward!
Nice to hear
Howdy, Stranger!
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