How proM can work with big events log?
Hi all,
I can use ProM 6.4.1 view some big events log from but cannot apply plugin to process these events. It's take o lot of time then die.
For example I cannot use "Mine for a Petri Net using Alpha-algorithrm" to discover model of events log:
Is there anyone can do that? Please help me to pass this issue.
Thanks & Best regards,
Dear Ba,
I have been able to apply ProM techniques, also computationaally more expensive ones tahnt eh Alpha miner, on many of these real life data sets.
You could try to install the 'XESLite' package. Then, when importing an event log, choose the 'disk buffered by MapDB' option to use less memory.
The only other option is to run ProM on another machine with more memory (and CPU power).
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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