Driver could not be found...
Hi all, I had a question about connecting to the JDBC driver.
I'm trying to run the example from, and after following all the steps and pressing the "Test Connection" button in the connection tab of XESame, I get the following message: "Sorry, but the test failed because the driver could not be found...sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDrive"
I am unable to figure out how to solve this. Is there a step that I need to do in order to ensure that a connection will be established? Does Windows 7 not support a connection to a default driver? Should I fill in information for the "JDBC Driver Location"?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated
Best Answer
Dear Ben,
Thank you for your question.This issue is probably caused by the fact that you are running Java 8. As of Java 8 the JDBC-ODBC bridge is removed, which is what XESame is using to connect to the example 'database' (which are files made accessible through an ODBC connection, but Java 'talks' JDBC).
There are several solutions (ranked by ease):
- Run XESame with Java 7, which provides the JDBC-ODBC bridge
- Try to find a free (/evalution version) JDBC-ODBC bridge that works on Java 8. I did not find a free one, but there are several evaluation versions out there
- Import the files into a database for which you can download a JDBC-specific driver, and then indeed point XESame to this driver.
I hope at least one of my suggestions help you (and others) in fixing this issue!Good luck!!!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
I also should add that I am pretty new to this software and field in general, so I don't have a very developed concept of drivers and their function.
I had the same problem so realy appreciate you Mr Buijs.
I have installed java7 right now but the error is the same " the driver could not be found..." I dont know how to impeliment the other suggestions pleas help me
Dear khadije,
Installing Java 7 is not enough, you have to tell Java to use Java 7 when launching XESame.
You can test which Java is the default by going to the command prompt and running 'java -version'.
There are several ways to indicate which Java to use, so please search for solutions online.
Good luck!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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