Problem with the Flexible Heuristic Miner
When i try using the plugin "Mine for Causal net with Heuristic miner" with the logs of exercices 5 and 6 availble on this page , i hava an error "Java.lang.null.pointerExecption", i don't know what is the problem. With others event logs available on that page for ohter exercises there is no problem, i can mine the causal net. I've also try to filter logs using the plugin "Filter Log using simple heuristic" before applying the FHM algorithm but the problem is the same.
Please can someone try to mine that logs and tell me the results.
I've attached the logs.
When I try to mine causal or heuristics nets for the logs you have attached, I don't get any errors and the model is shown correctly.
Could you run ProM using the ProM64.bat file (in the folder where you installed ProM), try to mine the models and post the full error message that is printed in the console here?
I run ProM using the ProM64.bat file, andwhen i tried to mine the models this the error i obtained as output.
I attached the file corresponding.
Please did you see something for my problem???? I'm so confused.
Hi Cedrico, unfortunately I'm not able to reproduce your problem and I cannot really come up with a reason why you would get those errors. Are you using the default parameters when trying to mine the models, or do you only get the errors with some specific settings?
no, i didn't enter any specific setting, i try to use the default setting. Anyway please can you attach me the results obtained for thats logs (Exercise 5 and 6) with the default settings, i want to compare them with my implemantation.
We managed to find out what is causing the issue for you: you are running Java 7, and the code of the FlexibleHeuristicsMiner is not compatible with that. If you want to discover a causal net then please upgrade to Java 8. Otherwise, please use the HeuristicsMiner to discover a Heuristics net.
Unfortunately, we cannot solved the underlying issues in the code, so we will probably disable the FlexibleHeuristicsMiner in the near future. You will still be able to use the HeuristicsMiner after that.
I think that was the problem, i upgraded to java 8_ and everything is right now, i can mine every log without problem.
Thank you very much for your help.
Howdy, Stranger!
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